Sambar is a common and famous dish of south india…. I made this sambar using the shallots which we call cheriyulli or kujulli in kerala….Among different sambars i like this the most… Now iam sharing this with you. try this also….
Ingredients for Sambar
- Shallots – 1 cup
- Dal- 1/2 cup (paripe)
- Green chilli – 4
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
- Sambar powder – 2 tbsp
- Tamarind – lime sized ball
- Coconut grated – 1/2 cup
- Dry red chillies – 4
- Curry leaves few
- Coriander leaves few
- Cumin seeds – 1/2 tsp (jeerakam)
- Fenugreek seeds – 1/2 tsp (uluva)
- Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
- Oil
- Salt to taste
1. Cook the dal and mash it and keep aside….
2. Dry Cumin seeds, fenugreek seeds and red chillies in a pan with little oil. Add the grated coconut and saute till golden in colour… and then keep aside for cooling.
3. After cooling grind this to fine paste…. keep aside…
4. Soak the tamarind in 2 cup of water for 15 min and squeeze it and extract the paste….
5. Take a pan, heat oil and fry shallots and green chillies in medium flame and keep aside…
6. Boil the tamarind extract with turmeric powder and required salt…
7. Add the fried shallots, green chillies to it…. put sambar powder in it and let it boil…
8. Add the cooked dal, granted coconut and required water and salt. Boil it..
9. Heat the pan add oil and splutter the mustard seeds and saute dry red chillies and curry leaves. Pour it in to the sambar…
Onion sambar is ready… Serve it hot… 🙂
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Great idea.. I use this method when making cake mixes, muffin mixes etc.. and write instructions and amount of non-dry goods ( eggs/oil/fruit etc .) on the bag w/ permant marker. Never thought of doing it with soup ingredients .
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