Semiya upma is a delicious dish.. Its very easy to make for breakfast or for evening tea… Its so tasty that we can eat it without any other items for combination..
Ingredients for Semiya upma
- Semiya 1 packet
- Mustard seeds – 1/2 tsp
- Curry leaves few
- Green chillies – 4
- coconut grated – 1/4 cup
- Water 1 cup
- Salt to taste
- Oil
1. Heat oil in a pan… Splutter the mustard seeds and add curry leaves and green chillies… Stir for a minute…..
2. Add the semiya and saute until it turns golden brown…..
3. Add sufficient amount of water and salt and cook it….
5. After cooking add the grated coconut to it and stir well… Switch off the flame…
Semiya upma is ready… if you need you can add vegetables too…
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really good piece of information, I had come to know about your site from my friend shubodh, kolkatta,i have read atleast nine posts of yours by now, and let me tell you, your site gives the best and the most interesting information. This is just the kind of information that i had been looking for, i’m already your rss reader now and i would regularly watch out for the new posts, once again hats off to you! Thanks a lot once again, Regards, Semiya upma
I have to say I’m a bit envious of people for whom cooking from scratch is a luxury. We all have food allergies (the anaphylactic kind) or other limitations so cooking from scratch every day is required. There just aren’t packages I can open when I’m feeling too beat to cook. “Fast food” for us is something involving packaged brown rice tortillas rather than homemade or cooking a bag of pasta. Either way, sauces and toppings have to be made from scratch (though I try to batch cook some each week).
If you don’t starve yourself and eat when ever you feel hungry, you won’t have gastric problems.