I am interested to post small dishes which can be made in 10 or 15 mins rather than giving a huge recipe. Today we know that every one is busy.. and these type of dishes will be very helpful.Today i am putting the recipe of a ladies finger dish. Its common in our houses ,making this dish but many may be unaware of its easiness. Today when i went to kitchen after my work i opened each vessel and i didn’t see anything i like. U know obviously we don’t like everything , we like some and some we don’t……. ;-(
I am so hungry that time and i searched in kitchen and decided to make this dish.. and i made this with in 10 min and i like its taste very much and i had a nice meal….. 🙂
So i wish i can share this with you……..
Ingredients for ladies finger dish
- Ladies finger – 8
- Tomato – 1
- Onion sliced – 1
- Green chilli – 3
- Oil
- Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp
- Chilli powder(if needed) – 1/4 tsp
- Meat masala – 1/4 tsp (optional, i used ,it increases the taste)
- Salt to taste
1. Heat oil in the pan, add onion slices and stir, after 1 min add
ladies finger again stir it.
2. when it loose its hardness, add chilli slices and tomato and
continue stirring.
3. Add salt, turmeric powder, chilli powder, meat masala and stir
4. Add little water , 1/4 cup of water is enough again stir it once
and keep it for sometime until all water is drained. (if u want u
can add some more oil now and stir it for 2 min if u like oily
dishes) switch off the flame…
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Hello there, fabulous site although just slightly sluggish whenever I access it, it is in all probability my web connection, I am not sure. Thank you so much
Nice thoughts. Like your site design as well. Keep up the good work.
Sorry for the confusion. Follow the directions of boiling. Although steaming would work just fine too.